In case you haven’t been following me over on Instagram (and if so why not?) you’ve missed some pretty big news relating to our family. We are now officially New Englanders as of last week! And we are finally in…
I swear it feels like just last week I was in Philadelphia and packing up my Dodge Neon to return to Oklahoma and plan a wedding. But somehow that week has turned into 25 amazing years of marriage. Todd and…
I started this blog to have a space to talk when I felt I had something to say. Obviously I haven’t felt like anything needed to be said for quite awhile considering my last update was in December and it’s…
When I thought, “Starting a new blog sounds like a great idea! Sure – let’s go for it!” Well, I don’t think I thought my cunning plan all the way through… Let’s see. Thanksgiving was on the horizon. Then my…
I’ve been an eBates / Rakuten loyalist for years – and until recently, I almost always chose them over Honey Gold when I’d check out online. (The two programs’ browser apps are lifesavers to remind me to use them /…
Tuesday we rounded up the boys and got the helloutta… It was nice to take a break / day-trip, be reminded that there’s actually still beauty and nature outside of these four walls Order Amoxicillin, and just breathe. “It’s not…
We’re finally at November. I think it only took two decades to get here this year. It’s the month of my birth but it’s hard to contemplate celebrating. Not just because of the seemingly never-ending election cycle, or the past…
And away we go… I wanted a new site to organize all of my social media accounts – while also providing the option of more than 280 characters when and if I felt the urge to word-vomit. I seem to…