When I thought, “Starting a new blog sounds like a great idea! Sure – let’s go for it!” Well, I don’t think I thought my cunning plan all the way through… Let’s see. Thanksgiving was on the horizon. Then my birthday. The Covid numbers started soaring throughout the country again. Our boys had semester finals digitally. Then I remembered I had to make Christmas cards. Then packages from Swiss Colony and Popcorn Factory arrived..
And then? Oh yeah. We got a puppy.
So things have been just a tad bit crazy around here. But at our particular home address it’s been a very good kind of crazy because “See: new puppy“. If they could bottle these feelings up like they do CBD Oil – everything would be fine, fine just fine.

Please to enjoy a couple of photos of our new pride and joy HRH Princess Chloe Sutton Pollman. And be sure to check out Twitter and Instagram for more pics – I try to update those almost daily.
Happy holi-daze! Naps for everyone!