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If you’ve seen my site you might have found yourself asking,“So are you new around these parts?”
Well, I’m glad you asked! I am not. I have been on the internet since before the days of 56K dial-up. I coded my first website by hand in 1996 after buying “HTML For Dummies”. I have owned and maintained a long and varied list of websites over the years including (but certainly not limited to), (“Aint too proud to blog” nominated by “The Bloggies” 2002 Weblog Awards),, (Orlando’s 2009 “Best Family Photographer” by goCityKids/Nickelodeon),, and You can now find me blogging at &
I have been featured on many websites, in newspaper/magazine articles, and on TV/radio. Some of these media outlets include The New York Times, SELF Magazine, TechTV / G4 Network, The Chicago Tribune, (twice!), Today Show, SiriusXM, WIRED News,, Vibe Magazine, and more*.
I co-wrote a chapter on blogging in “Online! The Book” by John C. Dvorak & Chris Pirillo and was featured in two books – “The IT Girl’s Guide to Blogging with Moxie“ by Joelle Reeder & Katherine Scoleri and “Just Say Yes : How Real Life Romeos (And Juliets) Popped the Question” by Kathryn Mills.
I have done extensive product reviews for Professional Photographer Magazine’s “Profit Center” and “The Goods” columns (June 2010-13) where I served as a columnist, technical & contributing editor. I also had an online product review column on the “Web Exclusives” section of Professional Photographer Magazine’s website.
And my website Paperie Boutique reviewed products, packaging, and offered marketing ideas and solutions for professional photographers. It was sponsored by HB Photo Packaging, Animoto, Black River Imaging, Clickin Moms, Artsy Couture, Kraft & Jute, CPQ Pro Lab, and Simply Color Lab – just to name a few.
Once I crossed the 50-yard line of life, I decided to take some internet time for me. I started / as a space to talk about the things I love, enjoy and … use in my everyday life.
So that’s where you come in! I hope you’ll stick around and get reacquainted and/or get to know me now. It’s great to have you here! [link: Instagram]
*Some of these media nods were to publicize my involvement with the Blogger Boobie-Thon charity drive. I proudly founded the event in 2002. It raised approximately $85,000 for breast cancer research.