I started this blog to have a space to talk when I felt I had something to say. Obviously I haven’t felt like anything needed to be said for quite awhile considering my last update was in December and it’s now May. I even deactivated most of my social media accounts a couple of months ago and set Twitter to private. All I’ve really managed to do there in 2021 is retweet Todd.
But today was something pretty freakin’ huge. Our youngest son and I got our first Covid vaccine. Todd and our oldest son had their second dose back in April, but the 12-15 category wasn’t open then.
As for me, due to a long history of vaccination reactions in the past (including hospitalization), my primary had suggested I wait on getting the vaccine until Fall 2021 when more data had been collected. But after several late night talks with Todd when the boys were nestled all snug in their beds, we decided that this late in the game – and with my weakened immune system – it would be much better to risk hospitalization with at least one vaccination flowing through me than to risk catching Covid and being hospitalized anyway. I was worried if everyone in this house but me was vaccinated they would somehow feel “held back”, not to mention being required yet again to put some portion of their lives on hold due to my health. I also didn’t think it was fair to watch my children do something so grown up like that and not do it myself.
The timing of it all worked out perfectly, too. Todd and I will celebrate #25 on June 1st. This gives us plenty of time to recover from shot #1. And our second dose is scheduled for June 3rd. That will give us plenty of time to recover before our youngest son has his “Sweet 16” on June 16th. At that point the entire family can celebrate his birthday and being fully vaccinated at the same time! Dare I even say possibly doing something as crazy as GOING TO THE MOVIE THEATER again?!
So there you have it. I can still update this website. As for returning to social media any time soon? Well don’t count on it. I never realized how much I didn’t need it, and how much better I am without it, until I let it go. Now when the boys return to school this fall and my groundhog days morph back into being alone upstairs wondering “did all that really just happen” while Todd is hard at work downstairs – well then all bets are off. But as of this very moment, I have to drink in every single second that I can while all four of us are still together under one roof day and night (and I know where they are and I know they are safe). Because this fall the older one starts his senior year of high school—and graduations and colleges for both will be here before we know what hit us!