I swear it feels like just last week I was in Philadelphia and packing up my Dodge Neon to return to Oklahoma and plan a wedding. But somehow that week has turned into 25 amazing years of marriage. Todd and I just celebrated the big ‘silver’ milestone on June 1st. Making things even more special was the fact these photos of us were taken by our youngest son. He’s turning out to be quite the photographer. I think it might be time to hang up my Nikon!
As if that wasn’t enough for one week, today T and I got our second Covid vaccine!

This means everyone in the family is fully vaccinated! It also means that soon we’ll be able to travel again, and the first trip is already booked. As of last week we now have a junior and senior in high school so this summer we will be taking a multi-campus tour of the Northeast (specifically CT and MA).
I did temporarily break my self-imposed “no social media” hiatus this week because some things are big enough you want to share. But I am very much looking forward to this summer with all of my boys at home, Todd included – and all the “no devices” family time.
Before I know it they’ll be back at school and off on business meetings. We’ve been hunkered down in this house together since March 2019. But ready or not, just like the rest of the country, soon this household will be getting back to life, back to reality…