These are a few of my favorite things

These are a few of my favorite things

Several days back I decided to try and update my social media several times a week -and- launch this blog. With my health I don’t have a lot of time online so I figured if I can update things on my end more often that’s at least half the battle. If people can find me, hopefully it will make it easier for me to reach back out to them…

One of the best ‘jobs’ I ever had was when I started writing a product review column for Professional Photographer Magazine. In the early days the things I wrote about were items / topics I actually used and enjoyed for my own business. The column evolved over time, but the early days there with my first editor were absolutely amazing. I miss that.

Although I’m no longer a professional photographer, I wanted to try and do the same thing featuring products and companies from my every-day life. All of my #todaybestthingever items are located here on the blog (and over on Twitter). Hopefully I won’t end up costing you too much money! *wink*

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