Know that something good is gonna happen

Know that something good is gonna happen
We thought we were so smart when the boys were much younger. Having two babies back-to-back got all of the late night feedings , diaper changes, potty training, and toddler-tantrums out of the way all at once. But we didn't think our cunning plan all the way through. Because later in life that means two high school graduations and college plans come into play all at once. It seems like just yesterday that we were announcing the oldest son's big news, and hang on tight because here we go again...

As if that news wasn't amazing enough, The UCONN Huskies Men's basketball team just won the NCAA tourney / national championship and N got to experience it all right there on campus. It's been a crazy spring around here and things are just getting started!

I know I don't update much here, but you can always check Instagram for the latest! Until next time...

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